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  • Referenser

    1. Kautsky, N., 1982. En levande matta på Östersjöns botten. Forskning och Framsteg. 2: p. 46-49.
    2. Kautsky, N. and M. Tedengren, 1992. Salthalt, föroreningar och livet i Östersjön, in Östersjön - ett hav i förändring.- Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsrådets Årsbok (NFR Yearbook) p. 91-100.
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    4. Pettersson, P., 2006. Role of Mytilus for biodiversity in sediment habitats of the Skagerrak and Baltic Sea., in Department of systems ecology. Stockholm University, Sweden.: Stockholm.
    5. Kautsky, N., K. Johannesson, and M. Tedengren, 1990. Genotypic and phenotypic differences between Baltic and North Sea populations of Mytilus edulis evaluated through reciprocal transplantations.  I. Growth and morphology. Marine ecology progress series, 59: p. 203-210.
    6. Kautsky, N. and I. Wallentinus, 1980. Nutrient release from a Baltic Mytilus-red algal community and its role in benthic and pelagic productivity. Ophelia, 1: p. 17-30.
    7. Folke, C. and N. Kautsky, 1989. The role of ecosystems for the development of aquaculture. Ambio, 18 (4): p. 234-243.
    8. Mattson, J. and O. Lindén, 1983. Förändringar i bottenmiljön, in Odling av blåmusslor., R. Rosenberg, Editor. Signum AB: Lund.
    9. Kautsky, N., Kautsky, H., Kautsky, K. and M. Waern, 1986. Decreased depth penetration of Fucus vesiculosus L. Since the 1940's indicates eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Marine ecology progress series, 28: p. 1-8.
    10. Engkvist, R., et al., 2001. Macroalgal blooms in the central Baltic proper, effects on the economic life and the marine ecosystem. Dept. Biology and Environmental Science, University of Kalmar: Kalmar.
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    12. Eklund, B., Svensson, A., Jonsson, C. and T. Malm, 2004. Toxic effects of decomposing red algae to littoral organisms. Estuarine coastal and shelf science, 62(4): p. 621-626.
    13. Hasselström, L.,Söderquist, T. & Malm, T. Welfare consequenses of a resilient ecological state: the case of filamentous red algae on beaches in Öland. Sweden. Manuscript 2006.
    14. Haamer, J. and J. Rodhe, 2000. Mussel Mytilus edulis L. filtering of the Baltic outflow through Öresund – a natural example of large-scale ecosystem restoration. Journal of shellfish research, 19(1): p. 413-421.
    15. Tedengren, M., K. Johannesson, and N. Kautsky, 1990. Genotypic and phenotypic differences between Baltic and North Sea populations of Mytilus edulis evaluated through reciprocal transplantations. Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser., 59: p. 221-227.
    16. Johannesson, K., N. Kautsky, and M. Tedengren, 1990. Genotypic and phenotypic differences between Baltic and North Sea populations of Mytilus edulis evaluated through reciprocal transplantations.  II. Genetic variation. Marine ecology progress series, 59: p. 211-219.
    17. Kautsky, N. and I. Wallentinus, 1980. Nutrient release from a Baltic Mytilus-red algal community and its role in benthic and pelagic productivity. Ophelia, Suppl 1: p. 17-30.
    18. Naturvårdsverket, 1999. Bedömningsgrunder för kust och hav.
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